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Pure and Redhawk

Red Hawk Casino Places a Winning Bet on Pure Storage

Casino investment in Pure Storage results in fast system response times for guests and employees.


Red Hawk Casino does not take chances with guest satisfaction. Its number one priority is delivering the best possible guest experience while minimizing annoying wait times. The casino’s IT department plays a vital role in ensuring that any guest-facing application or service—such as Players’ Club activity, account creation, incentive redemptions, slot machine credit management, and self-serve kiosk transactions—perform optimally.


  • Gaming


  • North America

Use Cases

  • VDI


The Red Hawk Casino network was hitting the limits of its performance, frequently seeing slow response times for transactions involving guests on the casino floor, leading to frustrated guests and the potential for shortened visits. In addition, one of the casino’s major initiatives was to deploy a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), which adds significant performance, complexity and capacity demands on storage systems. Challenges included:

  • Ensure fast system response times for guests and employees.
  • Eliminate storage as a problem center for IT.


Business Transformation

  • Improved guest experience and satisfaction.
  • 30-40% storage CAPEX avoidance for dev/test.
  • 87% reduction in electricity costs.
  • Deferred data center expansion costs.

IT Transformation

  • 20:1 data reduction in virtual desktop storage.
  • 4x response time improvement for MS SQL Server report queries.
  • 90% reduction in storage-related power consumption.

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30F 아셈타워,

517 영동대로,

강남구, 서울


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