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Mississippi DOR converged infrastructure

Mississippi Keeps State Revenue Streams Flowing

Mississippi Department of Revenue moved key applications to FlashStack®, the converged infrastructure solution from Pure Storage® and Cisco, and adopted FlashBlade® for secure, reliable backups.


The Mississippi Department of Revenue (DOR) collects more than $9.4 billion in annual revenue to fund critical services for the state. The department successfully migrated tax collection and motor vehicle applications to the FlashStack converged infrastructure from Pure Storage and Cisco. The department also selected Pure Storage FlashBlade to simplify backups and protect against data loss.


  • State and Local Government


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Modernize Data Protection
  • Accelerate Core Applications




Business Transformation

  • Supports continuous revenue streams with faster tax-collection applications
  • Boosts productivity of state and county employees in 82 counties
  • Protects sensitive Mississippi state data with more reliable backups
  • Enables upgrades and testing without affecting production

IT Transformation

  • Saves 39.5 hours of staff time per day by boosting application-response times
  • Prevents data loss by accelerating nightly backups of 12TB databases and adding snapshots every 15 minutes
  • Simplifies storage tasks with a central point of management

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