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Pure and Zenuity

Belchertown Supports Town’s Growing Digital Needs

Belchertown gains predictable storage costs while dramatically improving performance to support VDI for all employees with Pure Storage® FlashArray™ and the Evergreen Storage™ subscription model.


The IT department for Belchertown, Massachusetts supports all town services, including police, fire, and EMS. By migrating to Pure Storage with an Evergreen subscription model, Belchertown reduces maintenance and costs while improving responsiveness.


  • Local Government


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications


How To Win at Digital Business
Explore how Evergreen Storage provides your organization with a strategic advantage to not only achieve IT goals, but also make your life easier.


Previous storage solutions often ended in surprise maintenance costs, which affected the town’s strict budgets. When Belchertown needed to quickly switch to remote work, its legacy storage also lacked the IOPS, bandwidth, and throughput to handle VDI for all employees.

Business Transformation

  • Roll out VDI to all employees to support work-from-home needs
  • Improved response time for apps from up to 5 seconds to half a second
  • Reduce maintenance costs by two-thirds compared to other storage vendors

IT Transformation

  • Pure1® delivers a single pane of glass interface that streamlines and simplifies management
  • Gains a predictable budget with a fixed cost through the Evergreen Storage model
  • Migrated storage in just a few hours, minimizing effect on town

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양평군청, 퓨어스토리지 통해 온-나라 시스템 성능 향상으로 민첩한 행정 서비스 실현


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