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VeeamON ’22 Recap: Pure Deep Dive on Modern Data Protection Strategy

In this month’s session, we’ll recap Pure’s live coverage from VeeamON 2022 and dive into Veeam’s latest announcements.
本 Web セミナーが配信された日 2022/05/25
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  • Purity
  • ランサムウェア
  • FlashCrew
  • エンタープライズ・データ保護
  • FlashBlade
  • Veeam

Chris Sprague

Field Solutions Architect, Data Protection, Pure Storage

Zane Allyn

Principal Technology Strategist, Pure Storage

For IT types with technology in their blood, exploring new hacks and use cases can be as much fun as getting a beer with friends. So why not do both? Please join us for Craft Brews and FlashCrew, our monthly webinar series featuring practical tips for hands-on IT pros! We’ll share a few tech updates, applications, and best practices to do more with your Pure solution—along with some craft beer to enjoy after the session.

In this month’s session, we’ll recap Pure’s live coverage from VeeamON 2022 and dive into Veeam’s latest announcements. This session will also highlight how Pure Storage and Veeam embrace innovation and advance data availability to modernize your data protection strategy. Over the past year, Pure engineers have worked closely with Veeam to support these technology enhancements to benefit our joint customers. 

Tune in to hear Pure Field Solutions Architect, Chris Sprague, and Principal Technologist, Zane Allyn discuss:

  • Key announcements from VeeamOn 2022
  • How these announcements will drive innovation for your current Pure environment
  • Orchestrating Pure snapshots with Veeam
  • Securing Veeam backups with SafeMode
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