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What are the Top Trends and Technologies Transforming Financial Services?

Transformation in the financial industry is accelerating. New technologies and customer expectations, evolving regulatory requirements and the expansion of fintechs and bigtechs into the traditional financial space are creating both challenges and opportunities.
本 Web セミナーが配信された日 2022/07/29
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  • 金融サービス

Diane Saucier

Financial Services Director, Pure Storage

Alex Pugh

Reporter, FinTech Futures

Ariel E. Carrión

Chief Information Officer, City National Bank

In a recent survey commissioned by Pure Storage, financial services and fintech executives gave their views on the current state of play and the technologies shaping the financial industry.

In this roundtable webinar, hosted by FinTech Futures, we will look at some of those game-changing technologies, including cloud, AI/ML, containers, APIs, and blockchain, and discuss various adoption strategies, including:

  • Which technologies will be the biggest game changers in the next few years?
  • What are the biggest obstacles to growth?
  • How do you approach the build, buy or partner decision when adopting new technologies?
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