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The Future of AI and Lessons Learned from a Former Space Scientist, now Data Scientist

Join Dr. Kirk Borne, an acclaimed data scientist and AI expert, and a panel of Pure Storage AI experts in this exciting discussion on what’s HOT in AI today, opportunities with AI in the future, and lessons learned from our expert panel on small to massive AI initiatives.
本 Web セミナーが配信された日 2023/07/20
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  • Analytics & AI
  • Tech Talks

Dr. Kirk Borne

Data Scientist, AI Influencer, Ph.D.

ジャスティン・エマーソン(Justin Emerson)

ピュア・ストレージ 主任プロダクト・マネージャー

Sandeep Phadke

Pure Storage 製品管理ディレクター

Seth Kindley

Pure Storage プリンシパル・データ・アーキテクト

Knowledge is power. If you want to get more from modern data, Pure’s Tech Talk series can supercharge your storage savvy. Led by Pure solution experts and industry guests, these lively discussions explore features, live demos, and best practices to address the use cases you care most about. You’ll come away informed, inspired—and ready to unleash the full power of modern data for your business. Uncomplicated Data Storage, Forever.

While commercial AI offerings have existed for over 50 years, 2023 is shaping up to be a breakout year as enterprises and businesses of all sizes invest in AI to advance their goals. AI advances including creative and generative AI, AI-human collaboration, low or no-code AI are just the tip of the iceberg.

Join Dr. Kirk Borne, an acclaimed data scientist and AI expert, and a panel of Pure Storage AI experts in this exciting discussion on what’s HOT in AI today, opportunities with AI  in the future, and lessons learned from our expert panel on small to massive AI initiatives that they’ve each had hands-on experience with.

Additional topics we may cover:

  • Optimizing outcomes with infra/storage architected for AI
  • Aligning goals between data/AI/analytics teams with IT/Infra teams for optimal AI (AI Centers of Excellence)
  • Meeting ESG goals associated with AI projects
  • Top Impacts to AI with the right storage platform
  • Consolidation of app data and the benefits of that
分析と AI のためのモダン・ストレージをテスト・ドライブ

分析と AI のためのモダン・ストレージをテストドライブ

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