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17:19 Webセミナー

The Best Recipe: Do Storage Differently

With Pure’s intuitive, effortless data services and non-disruptive upgrades, day-to-day database operations are simplified and always-on, reducing the burden on IT staff.
This webinar first aired on 2023/07/12
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  • Engage Series

Marsha Pierce

Director of Solution Architecture, Pure Storage

ジェイソン・ランガー(Jason Langer)

Pure Storage シニア・クラウド・ソリューション・マーケティング・マネージャー

More time for what matters. Do storage differently so IT can focus on the business.

In the last decade, the busiest and most performance challenged database workloads have been virtualized.  With continuing growth in relational data comes added complexity, costs, and challenges maintaining uptime and security that impact Database and Virtualization administrators alike.

With Pure’s intuitive, effortless data services and non-disruptive upgrades, day-to-day database operations are simplified and always-on, reducing the burden on IT staff. Pure’s long history of developing value-added integrations for VMware that helps VI Admins streamline operations that support the business and spend less time on swivel-chair management.

Get excited about: 

  • Simplicity and automation
  • Environmental cost savings
  • Flexible growth and better insights
  • Future-proof scalability and consumption models
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