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Ransomware Nightmares? Defend Your Data!

If hacker horror stories are haunting your dreams, you're not alone. An attack is launched every 11 seconds, and a third of victims take over a week just to regain access to their data—reeling with dread while the business is under attack and customers are running scared. Join Pure Storage as we welcome Hector "Sabu" Monsegur, former technical frontman of the infamous LulzSec hacking collective.
本 Web セミナーが配信された日 October 27, 2021 | 12:30pm PT | 3:30pm ET
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  • ランサムウェア
  • エンタープライズ・データ保護
  • FlashBlade

Hector Monsegur

Former Black Hat Hacker

Andy Stone

Pure Storage 南北米地域フィールド CTO

Shawn Rosemarin

Global VP, Emerging Technology Sales, Pure Storage

If hacker horror stories are haunting your dreams, you're not alone. An attack is launched every 11 seconds, and a third of victims take over a week just to regain access to their data—reeling with dread while the business is under attack and customers are running scared. 

Join Pure Storage as we welcome Hector "Sabu" Monsegur, former technical frontman of the infamous LulzSec hacking collective. Among his Black Hat exploits, Monsegur was instrumental in offensives against government agencies, private companies, news media outlets, even the CIA. Now, as director of cybersecurity research and penetration testing for Alacrinet, he's one of the good guys. In this fascinating session, he'll share what motivates hackers, how to improve your cybersecurity defenses, and essential steps you should take before, during, and after a ransomware strike.

FlashBlade テストドライブ

テストドライブは無料です。お客様による機器の追加やセットアップも必要ありません。Pure1® のセルフサービス・インスタンスによる FlashBlade™ の管理を通じて、ネイティブなスケールアウトが可能なファイル/オブジェクト・ストレージの先進的機能をハンズオンでお試しいただけます。

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