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59:45 Webセミナー

The Data Analytics Black Box: (Kind of) Predicting the Future.

This month, host Andrew Miller will invite Miroslav Klivansky to the virtual break room to discuss all things data analytics + Pure Storage.
本 Web セミナーが配信された日 2021/10/13
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  • Webセミナー
  • データ分析

Andrew Miller

Lead Principal Technologist, Pure Storage

Miroslav Klivansky

Pure Storage AI・アナリティクス担当プリンシパル・データ・アーキテクト

The Data Analytics Black Box: (Kind of) Predicting the Future.

This month, host Andrew Miller will invite Miroslav Klivansky to the virtual break room to discuss all things data analytics + Pure Storage.

Our 45-minute chat will cover:

  • Modern Analytics - where it came from, where it's going, and why businesses care
  • Common Data Flows & Pipelines in Modern Analytics
  • AI & ML - more than just buzzwords? (and you don't have to be intimidated by them)
  • Data Analytics use cases - illustrated with business applications supported by Pure Storage
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