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Modern Analytics on Cloud-Native Architecture with Fast S3 Storage

The capability to quickly search and act on all current and historical data can create a strong competitive edge to your organization—for security, IT operations, customer experience, and application performance. But the sheer volume of data being processed makes analytics platforms a challenge to scale, prompting a shift to disaggregated S3 architectures.
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  • Intel
  • FlashBlade
  • 分析のモダナイズ
  • Cloud

Somu Rajarathinam

Solution Architecture • Portfolio Solutions, Pure Storage

Jan Aufdenkamp

Director of Solutions, Analytics & AI/ML, Pure Storage

Merritte Stidston

Enterprise Data Center Cloud Solutions Architect, Intel

The capability to quickly search and act on all current and historical data can create a strong competitive edge to your organization—for security, IT operations, customer experience, and application performance. But the sheer volume of data being processed makes analytics platforms a challenge to scale, prompting a shift to disaggregated S3 architectures. These modern architectures offer independent scaling of compute and storage, simpler updates & faster recoveries – however these benefits come with performance trade-offs. 

Pure Storage and Intel have proven the new architecture can deliver high performance while keeping simplicity at scale. Analytics pipelines can be scaled using Kubernetes and help increase infrastructure utilization & application performance, uplevel operational efficiency, and simplify the management of on-prem environments through containers, ultimately to meet business demands for faster insights on massive data volumes.

分析と AI のためのモダン・ストレージをテスト・ドライブ

分析と AI のためのモダン・ストレージをテストドライブ

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