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Lighting the Way to Ransomware Readiness and Mitigation

Enterprise Strategy Group shares the results from their most recent study on ransomware preparedness, Lighting the Way to Readiness and Mitigation with Pure Storage.
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  • ESG
  • ランサムウェア

Christophe Bertrand

Practice Director - Data Management and Analytics, ESG

Andy Stone

Field CTO, Americas, Pure Storage

Dave Gruber

Principal Analyst, ESG Global

Ransomware attacks have been unrelenting for nearly 20 years, threatening the viability of every business. So after all this time, why do two-thirds of organizations consider ransomware to be one of the top three most serious threats to their organization?

In this webinar, Enterprise Strategy Group shares the results from their most recent study on ransomware preparedness, Lighting the Way to Readiness and Mitigation with Pure Storage.

Attendees will understand:

  • The proactive and reactive measures organizations use to defend against ransomware
  • The state of mitigation best practices across all phases of an attack
  • Priorities and plans associated with mitigating ransomware threats in the coming 12-18 months
FlashBlade のテストドライブ - データ保護

モダン・ストレージのテストドライブ - ランサムウェア攻撃からのリカバリ

ランサムウェア対策は万全ですか? FlashBlade® は、最大 270 TB/時のデータ・リカバリが可能なペタバイトスケールの性能を提供します。管理プラットフォーム Pure1 のセルフサービス・インスタンスをテストドライブでお試しください。


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