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How to Think Like the Engine: Bigger Data Edition

This session is for DBAs and developers who are comfortable writing queries, but not as comfortable when it comes to explaining nonclustered indexes, PAGEIOLATCH waits, and physical reads. We’ill also cover the role of storage in optimizing SQL Server operations.
本 Web セミナーが配信された日 2024/10/03
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  • FlashStack
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  • Microsoft ソリューション
  • Microsoft SQL & Exchangeソリューション
  • データ分析

Brent Ozar

Founder/Owner, Brent Ozar Unlimited

Anthony Nocentino

Senior Principal Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage

When you pass in a query, how does SQL Server build the results? Let’s say Brent Ozar is an end user sending queries, and you'll act as the SQL Server engine. Using simple spreadsheets as your tables, you'll learn how SQL Server builds execution plans, uses indexes, reads data from storage, and caches it in memory. 

This session is for DBAs and developers who are comfortable writing queries, but not as comfortable when it comes to explaining nonclustered indexes, PAGEIOLATCH waits, and physical reads. We’ill also cover the role of storage in optimizing SQL Server operations. 

In this TechTalk, you’ll:

  • Learn how SQL Server builds execution plans, which are critical for understanding how a query will be executed.
  • Gain clarity on indexes and how SQL Server reads data from storage and caches it in memory.
  • Explore the importance of storage in optimizing SQL Server operations, highlighting the impact of storage on query performance.

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