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42:59 Webセミナー

FlashCrew: Scaling and Protecting Elasticsearch

During this session, we'll walk through how Pure helps to achieve timely insights without operational complexity through speed and simplicity at scale.
本 Web セミナーが配信された日 2021/10/20
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  • FlashCrew
  • FlashBlade
  • 分析のモダナイズ

Stacie Brown

Field Solutions Architect, Pure Storage

Using a single, unified file and object store, Pure solves commonly seen challenges with Elastic environments as they scale, while preparing infrastructure for cloud agility with Elastic Searchable Snapshots. Learn about how customers can protect and restore their Elasticsearch data and support their Elasticsearch environments today while planning for the future.

In this webinar we will cover how to:

  • Achieve speed and simplicity at scale using a single unified file and object store
  • Understand how Pure helps to scale Elastic environments
  • How to protect and restore Elasticsearch data
  • Deploy future-ready infrastructure

FlashBlade テストドライブ

テストドライブは無料です。お客様による機器の追加やセットアップも必要ありません。Pure1® のセルフサービス・インスタンスによる FlashBlade™ の管理を通じて、ネイティブなスケールアウトが可能なファイル/オブジェクト・ストレージの先進的機能をハンズオンでお試しいただけます。

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