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Creating and Implementing a Data Protection Strategy and Disaster Recovery Plan

Attend this MegaCast in the Best Practices Series to hear from top innovators in data protection and disaster recovery. You’ll find out about all the steps involved in comprehensively planning for data protection and disaster recovery.
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  • ランサムウェア
  • FlashBlade
  • FlashArray//X

David Huskisson

Pure Storage ポートフォリオ・ソリューション データ保護ソリューション部門ディレクター

Organizations desperately need a strategy for data protection and a documented plan for disaster recovery. It’s the specifics that make it complicated!

Attend this MegaCast in the Best Practices Series to hear from top innovators in data protection and disaster recovery. You’ll find out about all the steps involved in comprehensively planning for data protection and disaster recovery.

From institutional and process considerations, to architectural and technical issues, to documentation and testing guidance, this event will cover everything you need to know about data protection.

What you'll learn:

  • Hear thought leadership on data protection
  • Learn the latest rules of thumb for disaster recovery
  • Engage with top experts in disaster recovery planning
  • Get answers to your toughest data protection questions!

FlashBlade テストドライブ

テストドライブは無料です。お客様による機器の追加やセットアップも必要ありません。Pure1® のセルフサービス・インスタンスによる FlashBlade™ の管理を通じて、ネイティブなスケールアウトが可能なファイル/オブジェクト・ストレージの先進的機能をハンズオンでお試しいただけます。

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