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Connected-Cloud with Azure in Equinix for EDA and HPC workloads

You need high performance storage to keep up with the growth and demands of modern HPC and EDA. Pure Storage FlashBlade® powers secure, fast and cost optimized workloads with Azure in Equinix. Join this webinar to learn how you can leverage this connected-cloud architecture.
本 Web セミナーが配信された日 2022/01/13
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  • マルチクラウド
  • ハイブリッド・クラウド
  • Equinix
  • Tech Talks
  • FlashBlade
  • Microsoft ソリューション

Jack Hogan

Vice President, Technology Strategy, Global Alliances, Pure Storage

Bikash Roy Choudhury

Technical Director, DevOps & Software Build Solutions, Portfolio Solutions, Pure Storage

You need high performance storage to keep up with the growth and demands of modern HPC and EDA. Pure Storage FlashBlade® powers secure, fast and cost optimized workloads with Azure in Equinix. 

Join this webinar to learn how you can leverage this connected-cloud architecture.

We will discuss: 

  • The connected cloud architecture addresses many of the top concerns customers have about cloud adoption - security, control, governance and compliance
  • This architecture has shown excellent performance for all workloads tested
  • The Express Route latency has not proven to be a major issue in terms of runtime, however the 10Gb/s link does get saturated (it is possible to increase this)
  • FlashBlade demonstrated excellent performance for NFSv3 and v4.1
  • This architecture should be applicable to all Cloud HPC workloads

We look forward to meeting you at this Connected-Cloud webinar!

FlashBlade テストドライブ

テストドライブは無料です。お客様による機器の追加やセットアップも必要ありません。Pure1® のセルフサービス・インスタンスによる FlashBlade™ の管理を通じて、ネイティブなスケールアウトが可能なファイル/オブジェクト・ストレージの先進的機能をハンズオンでお試しいただけます。

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