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48:29 動画

Day in the Life of a Portworx Admin

Containers and Kubernetes have changed the way applications are built and deployed in production.
  • Portworx
  • 動画
  • Pure//Accelerate
  • コンテナ

Kubernetes is no longer in the early market phase. It has crossed the chasm and entered the mainstream market. Organizations of all sizes are running Kubernetes at scale in production, and this has led to the expansion of responsibilities for an administrator. In this session, we put on our admin hats and demonstrate how Portworx can help deliver the features needed by developers to build modern apps, while at the same time providing admins with a robust data management layer with features like dynamic provisioning of block and file storage, capacity management, topology awareness, data security, disaster recovery and more!

Portworx のテストドライブ

Portworx のテストドライブ

クラウドネイティブ化を加速。仮想ラボ環境で Portworx をお試しいただけます。Portworx は、GigaOm リサーチにより、Kubernetes ストレージおよびデータ保護プラットフォームのリーダーとして位置付けられました。

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