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7.11.19 Flash Enabled Availability - Evolving Beyond the Backup
Watch this webinar and learn more about how F2F2C leverages on-premises flash for efficient, portable snapshots and rapid recovery, while also employing cost-effective, highly durable, off-site, and self-protected public cloud for long term retention
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      Flash Enabled Availability - Evolving Beyond the Backup

      Legacy, complex disk-to-disk-to-tape backup architectures can no longer keep up with the constant flow of data that businesses must protect today. Data backup is no longer simply about storing data: it’s about flexible protection, fast restores – and above all making your valuable data available for other uses, such as test/dev and analytics, that drive your business’ value.  

      Introducing, Flash-to-Flash-to-Cloud (F2F2C) a revolutionary new solution that is designed for the scale and use cases of modern data backup and protection. Together, with Pure Storage and Veeam Backup & Replication, this architecture provides significant improvements in recovery times, enabling organizations to meet stringent SLAs, RPOs, and RTOs to keep the business operational.  

      Watch this webinar and learn more about how F2F2C leverages on-premises flash for efficient, portable snapshots and rapid recovery, while also employing cost-effective, highly durable, off-site, and self-protected public cloud for long term retention.

      David Huskisson

      Rapid Restore Solutions Manager, Pure Storage

      Shawn Lieu

      Solutions Architect, Veeam

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