DATA SHEETPerformance• As low as 150μs latency• Up to 360GB/s throughputEfficiency• Average 5:1 DRR• DFMs are up to3x more reliable than SSD,6x more reliable than HDD• Up to 86% less energyconsumption thancompetitive solutionsSimplicity• AIOps with Pure1®• Automated workflowswith API, CLI, or GUI• Fleet-level managementand provisioningProtocols• NFS, SMB• Fibre Channel, iSCSI, NVMe-oFPure Storage FlashArray FamilyHarness all-flash storage for every use case, without compromise.FlashArray™ is a family of scale-up, unified block and file storagesystems that provide all the benefits of all-flash storage for any usecase. IT environments have become increasingly complex with multiplevendors and products, resulting in unnecessary operational overhead,hidden risk, and financial strain. FlashArray is the only storage solutionthat can support all your workloads on modern technology withouthaving to compromise on performance, price, security, and functionality.It continues to evolve to meet changing and unpredictable needswithout the pain that comes with the refresh cycle.Infrastructure to Support Rapid Innovation The rapid pace of innovation has put more requirements on IT infrastructure,straining budgets and resources. Data storage with low performancerequirements today may suddenly need to support high performanceaccess. Storage investments need to be agile enough to support changingrequirements without breaking the bank. In the era of analytics and AI, accessto accumulated data is vital for driving superior business outcomes. All yourdata is now a source of your competitive advantage, and the right platformthat can deliver data has a direct impact on your bottom line.Traditional storage infrastructure can strand data in silos or behindperformance bottlenecks. Data is tiered and located on different systems.Each system may be providing different data services built on different storagemedia from hard disk drives (HDD) or solid state drives (SSD). Connectingusers to data requires more preplanning, additional overhead, and extrahours. Solving this with external management tools and navigating workloadconfigurations can result in operational, security, and financial risk. The rightsolution can accelerate processes, rather than being a hurdle. In order toachieve this, storage systems should offer:• Simplicity that scales• Support for all your workloads• Built on a foundation of modern technology• Consistent experience across your fleet• Flexibility to grow seamlessly