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UISA Boosts Sugar Yields
using AI

UISA uses FlashStack from Pure Storage and Cisco to support its Agriculture 4.0 initiative. Through artificial intelligence and Internet of Things, UISA captures and analyzes data and increases yields.


FlashStack provides the speed and scalability to power the Agriculture 4.0 initiative at UISA. Using artificial intelligence and Internet of Things, UISA captures and analyzes data from 850 equipment sensors across 222,000 acres of sugarcane fields. These results help optimize operations and reduce losses for sustainable growth and efficiency.


  • Manufacturing


  • Latin America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Activate Real-time Analytics
  • Power Artificial Intelligence



With FlashStack, UISA brings IT operations in-house, saving US$300,000 annually. The Evergreen Storage subscription adds peace of mind as the organization knows it can scale up fast and without disruption. The AI-powered applications running on FlashStack find and fix problems in hours rather than days, boosting yields and reducing losses.


Business Transformation

  • Boosts sugarcane yields 30% through automated harvesting operations
  • Supports biofuel ventures, using clean energy to help power 862 cities across Brazil
  • Saves more than US$300,000 per year in data center costs

IT Transformation

  • Increased harvest productivity from 20,000 to 25,660 tons per day
  • Cut fuel consumption up to 5% by optimizing transportation
  • Provides a scalable foundation for UISA’s journey to Agriculture 4.0


導入事例 VVols と FlashArray の導入で VM 運用負荷とデータを大幅削減


東映アニメーション: オールフラッシュ・ストレージで TCO 大幅低減


日本中央競馬会(JRA): ピュア・ストレージで IT 基盤をオールフラッシュ化


三菱 UFJ モルガン・スタンレー 証券:ピュア・ストレージの 導入で、株取引執行システム、 バックアップ/リストアを高速化


毎日新聞社: ピュア・ストレージの導入で 全社用仮想化基盤の性能を改善


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