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Scottish Government

Scottish Government Keeps Rural Economy Thriving

When the Scottish Government ARE Directorate needed to modernize its storage infrastructure to improve developer build times and support spikes in web traffic, it sought out Pure Storage®.


With a mandate to promote sustainable economic growth in agriculture, the food industry, and rural communities, the Scottish Government ARE directorate adopted a culture of innovation. To improve the performance of its current applications and support innovation for the future, the directorate chose Pure Storage. The directorate now has a sustainable foundation for both its constituents and developers.


  • Federal Government


  • EMEA

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Enable Multi-cloud
  • Modernize Data Protection



G.O.A.T. EMEA – Scottish Government Agriculture and Rural Economy (ARE)
As Pure’s first customer in Scotland, the Scottish Government ARE began its Pure Storage journey in 2015 with FlashArray™ in its primary data center and now uses Portworx® as a key pillar of its application development strategy.

The ARE Directorate needed to improve its storage systems to support spikes in web traffic as the deadline for farmers to submit subsidy applications approached. In addition, the Directorate wanted to improve developer build times, meet regulatory requirements for data storage and resiliency, and support its long-term strategy for flexibility and sustainability.

Business Transformation

  • Eliminates downtime with non-disruptive upgrades, failover, and replication
  • Supports developer innovation and sustainability with cloud containers
  • Improves productivity and efficiency

IT Transformation

  • Saves an average of 20 hours per month now focused on process efficiencies
  • Ensures data recovery through failover and replication
  • Mitigates risk by supporting hybrid-cloud mobility


導入事例 VVols と FlashArray の導入で VM 運用負荷とデータを大幅削減


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