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Pure Storage and Prime Credit

Prime Credit turns to Pure Storage for High Performance and Reliability

Prime Credit has deployed an all-flash storage solution from Pure Storage which has improved their performance and reliability on key applications and strengthened business continuity through Pure’s ActiveCluster.


Prime Credit offers a wide range of financial services including personal loans, loans for property owners and credit cards. To deliver a superior customer experience, Prime Credit has a loan and credit card processing system that allows customers to apply online and receive instant loan approval.

Prime Credit is committed to enhancing its online services with cutting-edge technology to offer outstanding money lending solutions with operational excellence. A storage system with high performance, reliability and low latency is therefore critical to enabling the company to stay at the forefront of the industry. 


  • Financial Services


  • Asia Pacific/Hong Kong

Use Cases

  • Oracle RAC



  • Legacy storage system was unable to support rapid business growth
  • Slow performance of the legacy storage system hampered data replication


Business Transformation

Pure Storage has enhanced the performance and reliability of Prime Credit’s storage environment, making business continuity effortless and saving storage management time.

IT Transformation

  • Oracle applications run 5 times faster
  • Purity ActiveCluster solution enhances business continuity
  • The company has saved 10% of manpower time in storage management
  • Application uptime has increased to 99.9999%


導入事例 VVols と FlashArray の導入で VM 運用負荷とデータを大幅削減


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日本中央競馬会(JRA): ピュア・ストレージで IT 基盤をオールフラッシュ化


三菱 UFJ モルガン・スタンレー 証券:ピュア・ストレージの 導入で、株取引執行システム、 バックアップ/リストアを高速化


毎日新聞社: ピュア・ストレージの導入で 全社用仮想化基盤の性能を改善


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