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Pure and Zenuity

Concha y Toro Brings Agriculture 4.0 to Wine

Concha y Toro uses Pure Storage FlashArray to support growing technology in winemaking, driving innovation in operations in its journey to Agriculture 4.0 and reaching new consumers around the world.


Concha y Toro uses more technology than ever when making its wines, from sensors in vineyards to automation in the back office. Pure Storage® FlashArray™ provides fast and highly available storage that the company needs to power its technologies, including critical SAP systems.


  • Consumer Goods


  • Latin America

Use Cases

  • Activate Real-Time Analytics



With Pure Storage FlashArray, Concha y Toro improves data performance for all its on-prem systems, including SAP ECC and SAP BW. Reports run in milliseconds instead of days, helping the winemaker expand and adjust operations with speed.

Business Transformation

  • Supports global growth and a continuing journey to Agriculture 4.0
  • Drives efficiency and process automation, from agriculture to accounting
  • Enables Concha y Toro to maintain the high quality for which it is known

IT Transformation

  • Accelerates month-end financial processes from 3 days to less than 8 hours
  • Reduces total cost of ownership and cuts storage management by 35%
  • Keeps business operations running smoothly with 100% availability


導入事例 VVols と FlashArray の導入で VM 運用負荷とデータを大幅削減


東映アニメーション: オールフラッシュ・ストレージで TCO 大幅低減


日本中央競馬会(JRA): ピュア・ストレージで IT 基盤をオールフラッシュ化


三菱 UFJ モルガン・スタンレー 証券:ピュア・ストレージの 導入で、株取引執行システム、 バックアップ/リストアを高速化


毎日新聞社: ピュア・ストレージの導入で 全社用仮想化基盤の性能を改善


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