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1:01:11 Webinar

Modernizing Your SQL Server Estate

Join this session to learn best practices for upgrading and gaining insights on navigating both current needs and future goals.
This webinar first aired on 25 gennaio 2024
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  • Applicazioni enterprise
  • Analytics moderni
  • Data analytics
  • FlashStack
  • Soluzioni Microsoft SQL ed Exchange
  • Data warehouse
  • Microsoft
  • Tech Talks
  • FlashBlade
  • Soluzioni Microsoft

Allan Hirt

Technical Evangelist, FlashArray, Pure Storage

Nihal Mirashi

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Pure Storage

Are you currently using versions of SQL Server and/or your operating system that are either out of or soon will be out of mainstream or extended support? Are you looking for information and strategies on how to upgrade and modernize your estate which may include a re-evaluation of the platforms supporting your SQL Server deployments? Join this session to learn best practices for upgrading and gaining insights on navigating both current needs and future goals.

Join us to learn:

  • How to approach and manage OS and SQL Server lifecycles in the modern datacenter
  • Best practices around upgrading to later versions of SQL Server and OSes
  • How to re-evaluate data storage that can be part of the overall modernization strategy


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Test drive di SQL Server su Pure Storage

Fai un'esperienza pratica con Pure Storage® FlashArray™ e FlashBlade® con VMware e scopri le funzioni di SQL Server 2022, S3, snapshot e virtualizzazione dei dati.

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