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17:41 Video

It's a Brave New World: Demystifying Data Protection for Kubernetes

Containers can't be backed up the same way as other applications. Discover why as we dive into the elements of a Kubernetes-native data protection solution.
  • Portworx
  • Container
  • Data protection

Demand for containers isn't just on the rise, mainstream market adoption of containers in production is already mainstream. An ESG Survey of IT professionals found that two thirds of of respondents were running contaners in production, and 71% of respondents plan to deploy containers across cloud and on premises environments. And while 75% of enterprises think they can get away with conventional backup and data protection strategies, the truth is that containers operating both on-premises and in the cloud come with a host of unique risks that need to be addressed.

In this presentation Michael Ferranti, Sr. Director of Product Marketing, Pure Storage walks us through the reasons you need to modernize your data protection strategies for your containerized apps, and how Portworx (PX) Backups can help you protect your mission critical Kubernetes workloads.

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