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Pure Storage and Via

VIA Powers Reliable Mass Transit with Pure

VIA Metropolitan Transit relies on Pure Storage FlashArray and Evergreen Storage to power data across multiple digital platforms, keeping San Antonio moving without disruption. 


VIA Metropolitan Transit knows that smart transit services rely on smart technology investments. Pure Storage FlashArray delivers fast, accurate data to riders across multiple digital channels – even during upgrades thanks to Pure’s Evergreen Storage subscription model. 


  • State and Local Government


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications



VIA Metropolitan Transit runs critical systems on Pure Storage FlashArray, supporting nearly 100,000 rides each day by delivering schedules and GPS locations to riders across channels. FlashArray also supports VDI, payroll, and other internal systems to deliver greater efficiency.


Business Transformation

  • Collects millions of data points every day from hundreds of buses and vans
  • Captures GPS data every six seconds, up from data refreshing every few minutes
  • Improves rider experience by making data accessible across more channels 

IT Transformation

  • Adopted VDI and cloud-based applications to keep business running with remote workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Completed non-disruptive storage upgrade with minimal time and resources with the Evergreen Storage subscription model
  • Reduced time associated with maintaining storage

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