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SaskTel Connects Businesses to their Community

As a managed services provider to Saskatchewan companies, SaskTel's Business Solutions division relies on Pure Storage® for fast, flexible data storage delivered as a service that scales with need.


Industry and public sector companies rely on SaskTel Business Solutions for voice, data and Internet, cloud-based services, security monitoring, and more. With Pure Storage FlashArray™ delivered via Evergreen//One™, SaskTel Business Solutions can buy capacity as needed, and no longer needs to overbuy storage to meet peak demand, manage multiple storage solutions, or worry about data recovery.


  • Telecommunications


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Modernize Data Protection



For SaskTel Business Solutions, fast and reliable storage is critical to providing businesses with superior services at an affordable price. But to meet customer demand and ensure uptime, the company was overbuying capacity and sourcing from multiple vendors. SaskTel Business Solutions needed to reduce cost and administrative burden while maintaining service and data protection.


Business Transformation

  • Keeps costs competitive so Saskatchewan’s businesses can grow and thrive
  • Gives businesses peace of mind with improved data recovery and backup
  • Differentiates its offering with reliable data recovery and backup services

IT Transformation

  • 25% more cost effective storage, with savings passed to customers
  • Ensures uptime for its managed services and scales on demand so businesses can run uninterrupted
  • Cuts storage management needs, taking pressure off IT teams

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