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Pure and Options Technology Logo

Options Technology Fast Tracks Financial Services

Managed service provider focusing on financial markets relies on Pure Storage to drive faster performance and deeper data insights for its clients, cutting job run cycles and freeing analyst time.




Efficiency is key in financial markets where every bidding and trading decision depends on rapid access to accurate data. Options launched its data analytics platform on Pure Storage® FlashBlade® for fast, high-performance, and cost-effective analytics. For file storage and enterprise databases like SQL Server and Oracle, Options uses FlashArray//X™ to boost performance.


  • Banking and Financial Services


  • Global

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Activate Real-time Analytics
  • Modernize Data Protection



Faster Time-to-Market IT Services
Using modern business applications and AI built on FlashArray and FlashBlade, Options Technology meets the IT and real-time analysis needs of the world’s largest financial institutions.

Options needs to cleanse the data sets used in advanced analytics carefully or risk causing bottlenecks that impede productivity for data scientists. The high volumes of data on distributed architecture can also lead to slower data recovery.


Business Transformation

  • Boosts client compute-intensive analyses, enabling greater performance in less time and cost
  • Powers new quantitative platform tuned for financial analysis
  • Drives efficiencies and savings that can be re-invested in other areas

IT Transformation

  • New data platform cuts job run times by 54% and frees analyst time up to 50%
  • Eliminates expensive, disruptive upgrade cycles and 95% of support tickets
  • Restores snapshots nightly and protects cloud-native environments

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