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Nissan Australia Sets the Pace for IT Performance

When Nissan Australia, known for producing highest quality vehicle components, needed a similarly high-quality storage solution, the manufacturer selected Pure Storage®.




Nissan’s Australia manufacturing plant is renowned across its global ecosystem for producing vehicle components of the highest quality. To meet its customers’ unique needs, the innovative brand requires a nimble operation and a stable, reliable, and agile IT environment. With Pure Storage, Nissan Australia gains high performance, seamless failover for continuous manufacturing operations and protection against data loss and cyberthreat.


  • Technology


  • APJ

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Modernize Data Protection


Nissan Australia
Nissan Australia, recipient of a regional Pure Storage G.O.A.T. Breakthrough Award, uses Pure Storage to fuel the production of vehicle components for its most advanced vehicles.


In keeping with its reputation highest quality, Nissan Australia wanted to adopt new technologies to reduce downtime and provide cybersecurity. Its energy-intensive manufacturing processes were prone to outages, incurring hours of downtime. Similarly, IT upgrades risked taking manufacturing offline. For key sales, after-sales, and supply chain processes, Nissan Australia wanted greater protection from ransomware and other threats.


Business Transformation

  • Incurs zero downtime when scaling capacity and upgrading arrays
  • Ensures continuous manufacturing operations even during power outage
  • Protects data for crucial sales and supply chain processes

IT Transformation

  • Delivers seamless failover and non-disruptive upgrades
  • Provides efficient backup and rapid recovery for key data
  • Reduces data center footprint for backup to 1/5 of a rack

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