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Hôpital Montfort Cures its Storage Woes

When Hôpital Montfort suffered multiple high-visibility storage outages during routine upgrades, the hospital chose Pure Storage as its new enterprise-grade solution.


Serving more than one million residents in Canada’s national capital region, Montfort offers short-term primary and secondary health care as Ontario's only francophone academic hospital. Unified block and file storage from Pure Storage supports nearly every aspect of Montfort’s administrative and clinical operations—without the need for extensive and disruptive upgrades. Immutable SafeMode™ Snapshots further safeguard critical healthcare data.


  • Healthcare


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Modernize Data Protection



Montfort needed to replace its aging storage arrays. Everyday management of the legacy infrastructure taxed its two-person IT team, and even routine upgrades disrupted key clinical systems, including the PACS imaging cache. The hospital also wanted to bolster its data protection strategy.


Business Transformation

  • Drives superior and seamless patient care with high-performing systems
  • Cuts data center footprint and related costs for public hospital system
  • 50% reduction in storage management workload

IT Transformation

  • 99% less time to restore virtual machines—from 10 hours to 2 minutes
  • Completed migration of block workloads in a single week, versus months
  • Eliminates downtime and improves performance of diagnostic imagery

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