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Kakao Connects People and Businesses with AI

Mobile services company relies upon Pure Storage® to support AI technology and manage growing amounts of data.




Kakao develops and delivers messaging apps and communication services to individuals and businesses alike. Pure Storage FlashBlade® provides fast and reliable storage that the company uses to support research, innovations, and AI technologies that help improve diverse services.


  • Technology


  • APJ

Use Cases

  • Power Artificial Intelligence



With the global pandemic, increase in telecommuting, and new services, Kakao needed an infrastructure capable of handling the growing traffic and data on its environment. The company also wanted efficient storage capable of supporting multiple services for development of new services and AI models.


Business Transformation

  • Allows Kakao to improve the use of is AI technology and data
  • Rapid response to changing work environments and customer needs
  • Boosts the quality of services and the ability to embark on new endeavors

IT Transformation

  • Secures computing resources from GPUs by eliminating bottlenecks
  • Improves efficiency with central management, compression, and deduplication
  • Scales infrastructure without additional management or operational burdens

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