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Pure Storage and COCC

Kai USA Stays on the Cutting Edge with Pure

Using VMware vSphere Virtual Volumes (vVols) on Pure Storage, Kai USA supports demanding ERP workloads and accommodates 300x database growth while simplifying management—keeping up with rising sales and demand for new products.


Demand for high-quality knives is growing, and for Kai USA, that cuts both ways. Brisk sales are great for business, but the company needed a more powerful storage infrastructure to handle increasing loads, especially during the peak holiday season.

vVols on Pure Storage takes storage to a new level at Kai USA, providing the performance and capacity to drive continued sales growth and product innovation.


  • Manufacturing


  • North America

Use Cases

  • VMware vSphere vVols
  • Accelerate Core Applications



With VMware vSphere vVols on Pure Storage, Kai USA can support demanding ERP workloads with greater capacity and faster performance, while simplifying storage management.

Business Transformation

  • Drives 4x ERP performance for invoicing with Pure Storage
  • Boosts IT productivity with the simplified storage management of vVols
  • Speeds time to market for new products

IT Transformation

  • 4x faster invoicing for quick revenue capture
  • Saves 200 hours every day by eliminating invoicing delays
  • 12x faster data recovery, in 20 minutes vs. 4 hours

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