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Innovapost Embraces a Sustainable Future for Canada

When Canadian citizens were asked to build a greener future, Innovapost responded by streamlining its storage management with Pure Storage®.


A leading Canadian IT shared services provider, Innovapost is helping its country move toward its 2050 climate goals. When Innovapost refreshed its storage technology with Pure Storage and partner Wipro, it eliminated painful downtime from upgrades, accelerated performance, and improved resiliency. The company also improved its sustainability, with lower power consumption and emissions, smaller storage footprint, and greater capacity per watt.


  • Service Provider
  • Federal Government


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Enable Multicloud


Pure Good – Sustainability – Innovapost
Innovapost, a Canadian IT shared services provider, uses FlashArray//XL™, FlashStack®, and Evergreen//Forever™ to help bring Canada one step closer to its 2050 environmental goals.


With rising demand, Innovapost’s core applications began to slow. Already frustrated by multi-hour downtimes for upgrades, the service provider sought an all-flash alternative that could meet the needs of its Oracle Real Application Cluster and make its IT operation more stable and efficient.


Business Transformation

  • Helps Canada achieve its environmental goals
  • Delivers shared services with zero downtime for upgrades
  • Increases IT storage operations efficiency by up to 4x faster
  • Transforms IT operations to a hybrid cloud storage model

IT Transformation

  • Eliminates multi-hour downtimes for upgrades
  • Reduces annual data center power consumption by 200,000+ kilowatts
  • Enables 95% more storage capacity per watt
  • Decreases storage cooling requirements by 92%
  • Reduces data center storage footprint by 97% and CO2 emissions by 93%
  • Reduces latency on Oracle Real Application Cluster to microseconds

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