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Health2030 Advances Genomic Research for Faster Diagnosis

Health 2030 Genome Center leverages leading technologies to drive better health outcomes and personalized medicine, accelerated by Pure Storage®.




Bio analysts at the Health2030 Genome Center conduct DNA sequencing analysis that researchers and clinicians rely on to diagnose patients. The Genome Center needed more efficient and agile storage for the enormous volume of unstructured data generated. Pure Storage sped data analysis by 10x, enabling faster diagnosis.


  • Healthcare


  • EMEA

Use Cases

  • Activate Real-Time Analytics


Health2030 Genome Center
The Health2030 Genome Center provides a platform to advance precision medicine. With FlashBlade via Evergreen//One, DNA sequencing analysis is sped up tenfold.


The Genome Center manages the platform clinicians use to analyze genomic data for clinical diagnoses of patients. High computing power and quick, easy access to results are critical to their work. As volumes and complexity grew, the team needed a solution for faster data availability, easier data volume management, and operational efficiencies that free up IT resources.


Business Transformation

  • Advances clinical genomic research for personalized healthcare
  • Supports future goal to enhance sequencing data analysis used for diagnosis
  • Flexible, cost-effective foundation to manage growing genomic data volumes

IT Transformation

  • 10x faster availability of analysis data to the clinical genomic community
  • 2x faster transfers of large data from the DNA sequencing platform to researchers
  • Less time spent on storage management and administration

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