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Pure Storage and Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

Cole, Scott & Kissane, P.A.

Learn how CSK Legal reimagined its IT environment to ensure 100% uptime and built in agility.


Cole, Scott & Kissane uses Pure Storage as its storage standard, reaping the benefits of 100% reliability, minimal demands for administration, and lower total cost of ownership.


  • Legal


  • North America

Use Cases



  • Previous IT infrastructure lacked any shared storage, creating vulnerabilities to service disruption.
  • Growing volume of data required a storage infrastructure that is easily scalable at reasonable cost.


Business Transformation

Attorneys and support staff have fast, reliable access to the files that are essential to serve their clients.

IT Transformation

  • Pure Storage FlashArrays have had 100% uptime for over 2.5 years, even during software and controller upgrades.
  • Data reduction as high as 14:1 saves on capital and operating expenses.
  • No dedicated storage administrator required.

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