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Cengage Group

Cengage Group Transforms the Education Industry

Innovative education company shifts from traditional textbooks to a first-of-its-kind digital subscription service, supported by the Pure Storage platform, to help make education accessible to anyone who wants to learn.




As its digital subscription service, Cengage Unlimited, grows, Cengage Group needs reliable storage to maintain fast and reliable access for students. With Pure Storage® platform, Cengage Group improves performance and scale.


  • Education


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Activate Real-time Analytics



When students log into Cengage Unlimited, they expect fast and reliable access to textbooks, grades, and learning resources. As the demand grew, Cengage Group needed scalable storage that could handle spikes in demand and support a hybrid cloud model for flexible service delivery.


Business Transformation

  • Supports transition to industry-changing digital learning subscription service
  • Saves students more than $330 million in textbook fees since launching its digital subscription
  • Positions Cengage Group for growth, with more than 70% of revenue now purely digital

IT Transformation

  • Reduces storage footprint by 80% while doubling performance
  • Provides greater scalability and predictability with Evergreen//One™ (formerly Pure as-a-Service)
  • Provides an agile, strategic approach to hybrid cloud

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