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Pure and Sportradar

The British Army Puts People First with Technology

Using best-of-breed technologies, the British Army aims to connect teams working anywhere, seamlessly and securely.




The British Army chose Pure Storage® as its storage partner to support THEIA, the Army’s digital transformation programme. By adopting more efficient and effective digital processes, the Army hopes to securely bring teams together, digitally.


  • Public Sector


  • EMEA

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications
  • Modernize Data Protection


Data-Enabled Strategy
Listen to how Pure is helping the British Army support its digital transformation programme.


Digital transformation helps organizations connect teams and work together more effectively, but the British Army also needs an infrastructure that is economic and highly secure.


Business Transformation

  • Connects staff working remotely from anywhere in the world

IT Transformation

  • Provides cost-efficient storage for private cloud using a small footprint
  • Helps reduce security risk for sensitive communications and data

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