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Barfoot & Thompson transforms real estate

Real estate company gives customers and staff the best experiences with core applications supported by Pure Storage®.




Real estate company Barfoot & Thompson needed a strong IT infrastructure that could handle analytics, apps, and all other digital needs. FlashStack® powers core applications to get data to teams faster.


  • Property and Real Estate


  • APJ

Use Cases

  • Data Protection



Barfoot & Thompson needed a modern data solution to support the digital transformation. The legacy platform was plagued by speed, reliability, and performance issues, and the agency was underwhelmed by the lack of support from the legacy vendor’s service team.


Business Transformation

  • Ability to process and deliver reports 60% to 70% faster
  • Dramatically improved performance, capacity, reliability, and system uptime
  • Reduced power consumption by almost 500%

IT Transformation

  • An integrated system with all applications running on a single dashboard
  • Seamlessly migrated all workloads with zero downtime
  • Successful Digital Transformation that is powering the business to new highs

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