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Afni Changes the Game for Data Protection

Afni keeps its call centers running for clients with high-performance VDI and strong disaster recovery from Pure Storage®.


When the pandemic hit, Afni suddenly needed to support 8,000 call center employees working from home. Pure Storage FlashArray//X™ improved performance for the virtual desktop infrastructure to keep business running. The company later deployed FlashBlade®, for lightning-fast data recovery that accelerates recovery time from three weeks to three hours.


  • Consulting and Professional Services


  • NOAM

Use Cases

  • Data recovery
  • Data protection
  • Virtual desktop infrastructure


Afni Leaves Ransomware Threats in the Dust
Learn why Afni chose Pure Storage FlashArray//X™ for VDI and leveraged FlashBlade® for rapid recovery from a ransomware attack.


During the pandemic, the number of remote workers at Afni ballooned from 30 to 8,000, placing strain on the company's VDI environment. Legacy storage became an issue, limiting VDI performance. The company also faced a ransomware attack. While its backups were unaffected, pulling backup volumes from the cloud into production data centers was very slow, ultimately taking three weeks to achieve 100% recovery status.


Business Transformation

  • Reduced time needed to restore 500+ servers after a ransomware attack from three weeks to three hours
  • Accelerated VDI performance to support 8,000 remote workers
  • Rolled out new array and started hosting VMs in two hours

IT Transformation

  • Used deduplication and compression to reduce data by 70%, resulting in cost savings during migration
  • Eliminated latency issues affecting performance
  • Met internal SLAs by minimizing outages of more than 15 minutes

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