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Adventist HealthCare

Adventist HealthCare Heals Its Imaging Workflow

When the cache storage behind its imaging system began to experience performance issues, Adventist HealthCare rearchitected the solution to leverage Pure Storage, gaining speed, stability, and security.




Adventist HealthCare is a growing healthcare system in Maryland known for its expertise in cardiology, maternity, orthopedics, and mental health. Imaging plays a key role in care quality, helping to accelerate diagnoses and improve patient recovery. To deliver continuous and high-speed access to patient images, Adventist HealthCare chose Pure Storage to support cache storage for its imaging environment. Medical staff can now access patient images without disruption.


  • Healthcare


  • North America

Use Cases

  • Accelerate Core Applications

  • Modernize Data Protection



Adventist HealthCare relies on imaging to help diagnose patients and deliver care, but legacy cache storage for its Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) began to experience performance issues. In an environment where every second matters, there was no time to waste in finding a more dependable and performant storage solution.


Business Transformation

  • Brings speed and stability to life-saving PACS environment
  • Accelerates radiology workflows to treat patients in emergencies
  • Cuts data center footprint by up to two thirds, trimming costs

IT Transformation

  • Easily stores 40TB of critical imaging data, with room to grow 
  • Gains storage speed, stability, and power without the management overhead
  • Restores data rapidly for continuous patient care in case of cyber attack



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