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41:16 Webinars

FlashArray//XL Customer Case Studies: Non-disruptive Upgrade and Workload Consolidation

Hear from real-world customers on how they successfully navigated consolidating their most mission-critical, storage-based applications on FlashArray//XL™, and best of all, without a drop in downtime.
This webinar first aired on 14 juin 2023
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  • FlashArray//XL
  • Pure//Accelerate

How do you consolidate your mission-critical applications without impacting your business operations? It’s the question many organizations ask, especially when trying to reduce overall costs. Hear from real-world customers on how they successfully navigated consolidating their most mission-critical, storage-based applications on FlashArray//XL™, and best of all, without a drop in downtime.

Essayer FlashArray//XL

Travaillez dans un environnement en libre-service pour tester la gestion d’une baie Pure FlashArray//XL. Découvrez des fonctionnalités avancées : snapshots, réplication, ActiveCluster™, et même intégration de VMware.

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