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19:12 Webinars

Leading the Way to the Next Era of Data

CEO Charles Giancarlo describes the Pure Storage vision of simplicity, reliability, agility, and efficiency and how it’s achieved by a simple, consistent as-a-service platform.
This webinar first aired on 19 juin 2024
  • Purity
  • Evergreen//One
  • Cloud hybride
  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Vidéo
  • Pure Fusion
  • Pure//Accelerate
  • Storage Platform

Charles Giancarlo

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pure Storage

CEO Charles Giancarlo describes the Pure Storage vision of simplicity, reliability, agility, and efficiency, and how it’s achieved by a simple, consistent as-a-service platform. See how Pure Storage is transforming traditional data storage management into a cloud-like experience with an innovative as-a-service platform. The Pure Storage platform eliminates the complexities and inefficiencies of legacy storage systems, introducing solutions that provide a unified, scalable, and automated storage environment.

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