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25:49 Vidéo

Optimize Ingest and Search for Splunk at High Volumes with S3

Learn how Pure FlashBlade brings fast object storage to SmartStore for an architecture that optimizes Splunk for search and ingest.
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For all of the gains SmartStore provides, search performance can still be a major issue. This often happens because the S3 object stores backing SmartStore backend have been designed for low-performance archival data. The result is that searches are slow or time out before completing. In this session Vaughn Stewart, VP, Technology: Partners & Alliances at Pure reviews best practices for designing a SmartStore architecture and the need for fast object if you want to avoid data I/O trade-offs.

Essayez FlashBlade

Zéro matériel, zéro configuration, zéro frais = zéro problème. Essayez une instance de Pure1® en libre-service pour gérer Pure FlashBlade™, la solution native scale-out la plus avancée du secteur pour le stockage de fichiers et d’objets.

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