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35:18 Vidéo

The Hunt for Maximum Performance and Scalability using Kubernetes and Splunk SmartStore

Tired of Splunk sprawl? Is your Kafka cluster cluttered with a myriad of local storage? You’re not alone. Architects and administrators of big data applications like Splunk and Kafka are looking for ways to modernize and scale their platforms, improve workload performance, maximize system resource utilization, and improve operational efficiency.
  • Portworx
  • Vidéo
  • Splunk
  • Pure//Accelerate

Storage architects from Intel and Pure Storage will explain how organizations achieve these goals. They will show how they scaled with the Splunk Operator for Kubernetes and Confluent for Kubernetes, while ingesting Intel IT’s real-world production data. The team achieved peak Splunk ingest rates of 886 MBps across a nine-node cluster running 30 indexer pods, while simultaneously completing 400 successful Splunk dense searches per minute. That’s a LOT of data! They will also share the benefits of Pure Storage FlashBlade for Splunk SmartStore and Confluent Tiered Storage.

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Accélérez votre transition vers les solutions cloud natives. Rendez-vous sur le laboratoire virtuel pour essayer la principale plateforme de stockage et de protection de données Kubernetes d’après GigaOm Research.

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