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Pure Storage

Pure Storage Certified Migration Specialist

Level: Specialist
Experience: 5 years+ of relevant migration industry experience and 2 years+ of Pure experience

The Pure Storage Certified Migration Specialist certification provides an extra layer of credibility for senior IT professionals in support, solutions, and engineering roles who advise on best-in-class migration solutions. As a Pure Storage Certified Migration Specialist, you have what it takes to skillfully navigate, optimize, and troubleshoot complex migration scenarios across the entire Pure Storage platform. You bring specialized IT industry knowledge and experience to the table and are competent in assessing the basics of third-party storage infrastructure. As the Pure Storage Certified Migration Specialist certification validates your deep understanding of the relationship between pre-migration origin environments and all relevant Pure Storage solutions, you become an especially trustworthy authority for producing desirable migration outcomes.

The Pure Storage Certified Data Migration Specialist Study Guide is a robust resource that will help you in preparing for your exam. Along with featuring all exam topics and associated subtopics, it includes recommended study resources and sample questions. Use the study guide to gauge your competency and tailor your study approach to achieve success in your certification journey.

Exam Topics

Methodology (36%) Migration Concepts (27%) Network and Connectivity (15%) Troubleshooting (12%) Virtualization (10%)

The exam consists of 60 multiple choice scored questions and up to 15 unscored questions with a 120-minute time limit.

Step 1

Prepare for the Exam

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Step 2

Schedule the Exam

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Step 3

Claim Your Badge

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Step 4

Maintain Your Certification

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