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52:55 Seminarios web

Telecom Networks Are Being Targeted by Hackers!

Pure has a simple-plus-unique combination of fast restore and “immutability plus” that can help even in the event of admin credential compromise. REGISTER NOW
Este webinar se emitió por primera vez el 26 de enero de 2022
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  • Ransomware
  • Telecomunicaciones

Andrew Miller

Senior Principal Technologist, Americas

Hackers are increasingly looking at large telecom networks as part of their shift to “big game hunting” -- targeting larger, more revenue-rich organizations. In fact, the LightBasin hacking group infiltrated as many as 13 telecom networks by targeting many telecommunications-specific systems.

This pressure has put carrier IT departments on the front line of defense — but how can you prepare for this type of attack, much less mitigate it? What happens if an attacker compromises administrative credentials (e.g. Active Directory, storage systems, data backups)? 

Join this session, led by Pure’s Andrew Miller, to learn about these topics and more:

The Ransomware Landscape
An in-depth anatomy of an attack and explanation of new attack vectors, including admin credential compromise. We’ll stay away from FUD, but life is sometimes scary.

Defense in Depth
It’s critical and easy in theory. So why are people still paying ransoms? (Clue: Complexity)


  • We’ll explore what you can do in the event of an attack, both in general and with a focus on Pure’s capabilities on FlashArray and FlashBlade.
  • Pure has a simple-plus-unique combination of fast restore and “immutability plus” that can help even in the event of admin credential compromise.
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