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0:51 Video

FlashArrayXL - Performance and Scale Beyond Legacy Storage

The all-new FlashArray//XL is making legacy storage providers nervous. Consolidate more business services—bigger databases, more users, and more app workloads—on fewer arrays with FlashArray//XL.
  • Video
  • FlashArray//XL

The all-new FlashArray//XL is making legacy storage providers nervous. Consolidate more business services—bigger databases, more users, and more app workloads—on fewer arrays with FlashArray//XL.

Haga un Test Drive con FlashArray//XL

Trabaje en un entorno de autoservicio para experimentar la gestión de un FlashArray//XL de Pure. Explore las funciones avanzadas, que incluyen los snaphots, la replicación, ActiveCluster™ e incluso la integración con VMware.

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