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15:08 Video

Building a Distributed Data Infrastructure with Roblox

With over 1,250 developers building games around the world, Roblox’s Modern Data Experience is all about cloud native innovation.
  • Juegos
  • Portworx
  • Contenedores

It takes a modern data infrastructure to support an entire metaverse. In order to handle hundreds of millions of MAUs and maintain the astronomical growth of their player base, Roblox needs to be fast, secure, and always available. In this presentation featuring Rob Lee (Chief Architect, Pure Storage) and Charles Zaffery (Sr. SRE Manager, Orchestration - Roblox), find out how Roblox has built the bedrock of their containerized, bare-metal data infrastructure using Portworx, and how they maintain their entire distributed data infrastructure with a team of seven SREs.

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