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Pure Storage
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      The first 5 minutes of our recorded Webinars are open; however, if you are enjoying them, we’ll ask for a little information to finish watching.

      Do More with Less to Achieve Awesome Analytics Outcomes with Splunk

      What You Need to Know

      No matter where you work or what you do, IT Pros all have one thing in common and that's a lack of time. There's never enough time in the day to "keep the lights on" and innovate (much less time to enhance your skill set or keep up to date). In most cases, the root cause of this time shortage is all the time required to keep aging, complex, and inefficient hardware and software running. What's the answer?

      On this EcoCast, you'll find out about the latest and most innovative technology available to help IT Pros - and your entire IT Organization - boost efficiency! Specifically you'll learn how to simplify storage, achieve strong security, leverage cloud solutions, consolidate workloads, and improve performance with solutions from today's most innovative companies in enterprise IT!

      Bring your greatest IT challenges and toughest questions for our expert presenters!

      Here's why you should join:

      • Learn about new technology that can make your life, as an IT Pro, easier and more efficient
      • Find out how you can leverage these solutions to solve your greatest IT challenges
      • Get all your questions answered from experts in the industry
      • See these solutions in action!
      • and .... have a chance to win one of our valuable prizes!

      Craig Halliwell

      Director Alliances and Channels, Pure Storage

      Jim Kinney

      Founder & CEO of Kinney Group, Inc.
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