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Pure Storage Enables Organizations to Close the Ransomware Security Gap, Implement Meaningful Data Protection Strategies

Pure Enables Ransomware Security Gap and Data Protection Strategies

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – January 19, 2022 — Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG), the IT pioneer that delivers storage as-a-service in a multi-cloud world, today addressed the state of ransomware security among modern businesses, highlighting the importance of backup and recovery to build a comprehensive data protection strategy.

Ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly common in today’s digital world, presenting a frequent and expensive risk to businesses everywhere. In fact, industry sources predict that the global damage caused by ransomware could cost up to $265 billion by 2031. While organizations have recognized the risks, there’s still a gap in understanding where current security measures are today, and where they should be.

With its built-in data protection capabilities and solution portfolio, including Pure SafeMode™ on FlashArray and FlashBlade, Pure FlashRecover™ Powered by Cohesity®, launched one year ago, and Portworx PX-Backup, Pure helps organizations close this security gap, enabling global businesses to safeguard their data against loss, corruption, and growing cybersecurity threats.

“Implementing a meaningful data protection strategy, taking a before, during, and after approach to planning, is vital to running a successful business today. While having the proper precautions in place to prevent an attack is essential, it’s equally as critical that organizations plan for recovery. Pure’s solutions are uniquely positioned to help customers rapidly restore data, at scale, in order to avoid business continuity disruptions and negative financial impact.”

Dr. Ratinder Paul Singh Ahuja
CTO, Security, Pure Storage

By leveraging Pure’s data protection solutions, global customers are able to truly secure their data and take advantage of a comprehensive data protection strategy:

“With billions of dollars at stake and their reputations on the line if systems go down, our clients need reliable, secure data services. That’s exactly what Pure Storage enables us to deliver, positioning us to build strong client relationships for the long term.” – Jesse Bonserio, Senior Director of Engineering, Abacus Group

"Faced with the increasing risk of attacks, I was looking to guarantee the protection of our data in terms of backups and against ransomware. I chose to protect them more efficiently by using storage technology rather than server, and by taking snapshots very regularly with Pure." – Marc Duong, CISO-CIO, Solidéo (Société de Livraison des Ouvrages Olympiques)

"Pure Storage SafeMode helps to increase our credibility and capability in securing all patient data and become a trusted healthcare provider in Indonesia.” – Wirya Martin, IT Infrastructure & Security Manager, Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah 

“Combined, SafeMode and Veeam, give clients confidence their data won’t be lost, even if a server is compromised or an employee goes rogue." – Michael Bradshaw, Head of Cloud and Infrastructure, Eloquent Technologies  

“At the speed we work, we need peace of mind that our data is safe and downtime is limited in the event of a breach." – Erle Metcalf, Principal ICT, ConsMin Australia

To learn more about Pure’s data protection solutions, visit:


Cybercrime Magazine. Global Ransomware Damage Costs Predicted To Exceed $265 Billion By 2031.

About Pure Storage

Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG) permite a los especialistas en tecnología ahorrar tiempo. Pure ofrece una experiencia de datos moderna que permite a las organizaciones ejecutar sus operaciones como un auténtico modelo automatizado de almacenamiento como servicio a través de múltiples nubes. Como una de las empresas de TI empresarial de más rápido crecimiento de la historia, Pure ayuda a sus clientes a utilizar los datos mientras reduce la complejidad y el gasto de administrar la infraestructura detrás de ellos. Y con un índice de satisfacción del cliente certificado alcanzado por solo el 1% de las empresas B2B, Pure cuenta con una lista de clientes en constante crecimiento que se encuentran entre los más satisfechos del mundo. Para más información, visita

Pure Storage, el logotipo de la "P", Evergreen, FlashArray, FlashBlade y Pure1 son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de Pure Storage, Inc. Todas las demás marcas comerciales o nombres a los que se hace referencia en este documento son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios.

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Kaylin Deutscher
Pure Storage
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