DATA SHEETPerformance• As low as 150μs latency• Up to 360GB/s throughputEfficiency• Average 5:1 DRR• DFMs are up to3x more reliable than SSD,6x more reliable than HDD• Up to 86% less energyconsumption thancompetitive solutionsSimplicity• AIOps with Pure1®• Automated workflowswith API, CLI, or GUI• Fleet-level managementand provisioningProtocols• NFS, SMB• Fibre Channel, iSCSI, NVMe-oFPure Storage FlashArray FamilyHarness all-flash storage for every use case, without compromise.FlashArray™ is a family of scale-up, unified block and file storagesystems that provide all the benefits of all-flash storage for any usecase. IT environments have become increasingly complex with multiplevendors and products, resulting in unnecessary operational overhead,hidden risk, and financial strain. FlashArray is the only storage solutionthat can support all your workloads on modern technology withouthaving to compromise on performance, price, security, and functionality.It continues to evolve to meet changing and unpredictable needswithout the pain that comes with the refresh cycle.Infrastructure to Support Rapid Innovation The rapid pace of innovation has put more requirements on IT infrastructure,straining budgets and resources. Data storage with low performancerequirements today may suddenly need to support high performanceaccess. Storage investments need to be agile enough to support changingrequirements without breaking the bank. In the era of analytics and AI, accessto accumulated data is vital for driving superior business outcomes. All yourdata is now a source of your competitive advantage, and the right platformthat can deliver data has a direct impact on your bottom line.Traditional storage infrastructure can strand data in silos or behindperformance bottlenecks. Data is tiered and located on different systems.Each system may be providing different data services built on different storagemedia from hard disk drives (HDD) or solid state drives (SSD). Connectingusers to data requires more preplanning, additional overhead, and extrahours. Solving this with external management tools and navigating workloadconfigurations can result in operational, security, and financial risk. The rightsolution can accelerate processes, rather than being a hurdle. In order toachieve this, storage systems should offer:• Simplicity that scales• Support for all your workloads• Built on a foundation of modern technology• Consistent experience across your fleet• Flexibility to grow seamlessly
DATA SHEET2Simplicity and Flexibility That Scales into the FutureScalable simplicity means accomplishing more with less effort. FlashArray has simplicity as part of its DNA and has continuedevolving to incorporate self-configuring, self-healing, and self-adapting to scale at the fleet level. This means that operationalefficiencies are amplified as environments scale. Data that’s on FlashArray can move seamlessly across arrays and is easilyaccessible within one global storage pool without silos or layers encumbering data access. Always-on QoS and secure multi-tenancy can ensure that workloads operate without being impacted by noisy neighbors, if necessary.Flexibly upgrade all aspects of storage, whether performance, capacity, hardware or software–completely independently of oneanother. Upgrades are non-disruptive, do not require data migrations, and do not require forklift upgrades. Only Pure Storage®has a proven track record of 30,000 ever modern upgrades on active arrays. An investment in FlashArray is insurance againstdowntime when it comes to growing your environment.All-Flash Storage for Every WorkloadFlashArray delivers the benefits of flash for every use case from the highest performance at the largest scale to the mostefficient archives. Data stored on any FlashArray model benefit from the efficiencies and reliability of flash storage, and are partof a global storage pool that is easily accessible and mobile within your environment when requirements change in the future.However, not all flash storage is created equal. Other storage systems built on commodity storage drives leave value on thetable. The DirectFlash® Module (DFM) represents the Pure Storage evolution of hard disk (HDD) and solid state drives (SDD).It is designed for enterprise storage and optimized to extract full performance and efficiency without being encumbered by alegacy storage drive architecture. This allows Pure Storage to innovate at a significantly faster pace tailored to meet the needsof enterprise IT. This was evidenced by Pure Storage being first to market with QLC storage arrays and industry leading density.First, there is the extreme performance of FlashArray//XL™ and FlashArray//X™. Purpose-built to deliver the upper limits ofperformance possible, it offers flash storage while delivering unmatched power and space efficiency only possible withDirectFlash Modules over commodity SSDs. For mission-critical workloads that require the most performance and lowestlatency, FlashArray//X is designed to deliver. When extreme scale is required in addition to maximum performance,FlashArray//XL is the ideal solution.FlashArray//C™ delivers a blend of performance for production for operational workloads while still cost-efficient enough for fastbackup/restore, and archive. Price-competitive with hybrid systems, FlashArray//C delivers superior performance and reliability.Operational workloads, including virtualization, file, and databases can benefit from the same data services and architecturetypically reserved for enterprise hardware serving mission-critical workloads.FlashArray//E™, as part of the Pure//E™ family of storage systems, was designed to deliver reliable storage and performancethat’s price-competitive with systems using hard disk drives. With the data mobility and the added benefit of power andspace efficiencies superior to both HDD and SSD, FlashArray//E ensures that data is both accessible and manageable forfuture applications.